Meeting called to order at 6:36 pm by George Doña Dodson Reporting. Present Board: George Mayl, Loretta Koehler, Blair Taylor, Hank Bootz, Maggie Price, Emmett Hobley, Drew Dutcher, Jane Potts, (Greg Sorensen, as interim Treasurer) Committee Chairs: Cindy Johnstone, Jane Lorimer, Christine O’Connor, Ean Tofoya, Joel Noble, Amy Duclos Quorum Present June Minutes Motion to approve June 8, 2020 Board …Continue reading →
Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation Board Meeting Minutes June 8, 2020 – Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting called to order at 6:32pm by George Blair Taylor Reporting. Present Board: George Mayl, Loretta Koehler, Blair Taylor, Hank Bootz, Maggie Price, Emmett Hobley, Drew Dutcher, Steve Nissen, Jane Potts Committee Chairs: Cindy Johnstone, Jane Potts, Christine O’Connor, Joel Noble, Amy Duclos Quorum Present May Minutes …Continue reading →
Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation Board Meeting Minutes February 10, 2020 – Daniels Fund Building Meeting called to order by George Mayl at 6:37 pm Present Board: George Mayl, Loretta Kohler, Steve Nissen, Jane Potts, Hank Bootz, Blair Taylor (Secretary) Committee Chairs: Christine O’Connor, Greg Sorensen, Amy Duclos, Joel Noble, Amy Duclos Administrative support: Doña Dodson Board Minutes Motion was made to accept …Continue reading →
Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation Board Meeting Draft April 23, 2020 – Zoom (Electronic) Meeting Called to order 8:00 p.m. Present: Board: Loretta Koehler, George Mayl, Emmett Hobley, Jane Potts, Steve Nissen, Maggie Price, Blair Taylor, Drew Dutcher, Hank Bootz Committees: Cindy Johnstone, Jane Lorimer, Greg Sorensen, Joel Noble, Amy Duclos Special Topic: How to distribute up to $25,000 to non-profits making a …Continue reading →