00:00:00 Mike Johnson with questions from audience Joanna Rosa-Saenz Moderator 00:17:50 DPS FACE Dept Executive Director Adella Arredondo 00:58:34 Committee Reports 01:03:10 DEI Policy Statement Preview 01:06:44 Committee Reports Continue 01:10:31 Secretary and Nominating Committee Report 01:16:31 Announcements 01:27:55 Adjourn CHAT can be downloaded HERE
This Month’s Program Included: Xeriscaping in Denver, with Elena Shtern from the Denver Botanic Gardens Updates from City Park RNOs Opportunities to Connect Updates on 2024 INC opportunities and happenings Elena Shtern with DBG will discuss the seven principles of xeriscaping–planning and design, soil improvements, efficient irrigation, plants zones, mulches, turf alternatives, and maintenance. She will also talk a little …Continue reading →
INC APRIL DELEGATES MEETING 4/8/2023 MINUTES Location: Holy Transfiguration of Christ Orthodox Cathedral 9:15 Meeting called to Order. Welcome and Introductions: 40 people at the meeting (including 27 on line and those in person at the venue). Land and Equity Acknowledgement was made by Shaina Oliver, Native American with Navajo family roots from southern Colorado. Acknowledge of ancestors’ tribal lands …Continue reading →
INTER NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION Delegate-Community Meeting Minutes Saturday, March 11, 2023: 9:00 a.m. Southwest Improvement Council 5045 West 1st Avenue and on Zoom 9:10 Called to order- Quorum Attendance In-Person 15 delegates from 13 RNOs, 4 non-delegates; Online: approximately 25 including 4 (KM, AM, JB, DD) from the in-person meeting signed into zoom. Land and Equity Acknowledgement: Read by Keith Meyer …Continue reading →
INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION Delegate-Community Meeting Minutes Saturday, Feb 11, 2023: 9:00 a.m. Montclair Civic Building-Molkery 6820 E. 12th Ave, Denver Record of Attendance: In person-18 RNOs, 20 Delegates, 16 Non-delegates=36 individuals Zoom: approximately 20 unduplicated participants—don’t have a final count. 9:00-9:10 Welcome – Drew Dutcher, President recognizing this is our first in-person meeting since 2020. Grateful to all who are …Continue reading →
Table of Contents: 00:00:00 Introduction and Welcome CW Jaime Torres 00:04:50 Treasurer and Committee Reports 00:25:14 Election of Officers 00:44:19 Nina Waysdorf, Waste Diversion and Recycling Manager, Solid Waste Management, DOTI Recycling 201 01:16:41 Around The City 01:41:58 Announcements Future Meeting and adjourn DOWNLOAD HERE