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INC Executive Meeting December 9, 2019

January 19, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation

Board Meeting Minutes, December 9, 2019 – Daniels Fund Building

Meeting called to order by George Mayl at 6:35 pm


Board: George Mayl, Loretta Kohler, Emmett Hobley, Steve Nissen, Jane Potts, Hank Bootz

Committee Chairs: Christine O’Connor, Ean Tafoya, Greg Sorensen, Jane Lorimer, Amy Duclos, Greg Sorensen

Administrative support: Doña Dodson

Guests: Mike Henry and Margie Valdez

November Board Minutes

Motion to accept November 11, 2019 Board minutes – Jane Potts moved and Emmett Hobley seconded; Steve Nissen requested a language change to reflect past Board approval of up to $1,000 for travel-related expenses for Dr. Lanphear be changed to “sponsorship at $1000” which would prevent limiting how money is used for the event. Friendly amendment accepted.  Motion carried. Minutes approved unanimously as amended.

Treasurer Report-Steve Nissen

Motion requested by George Mayl to accept treasurer’s report. Loretta moved to approve report. Hank Boots seconded. Report approved unanimously. Steve added he has also received two sponsorship checks from the city, but the source of the funds is not identified on the checks.  Jane Lorimer pointed out that if INC retained $50,000 balance and raised money to cover 2020 expenses, INC could qualify under the Colorado Gives program – a long-term goal for INC.

Special Report – Mike Henry and Margie Valdez

George invited Mike Henry and Margie Valdez to lead a discussion of Tim Roberts’ proposal to redraft the RNO ordinance.  Mike explained the history of the RNO ordinance stating it is INC’s lifeline to what is happening within INC’s 90 member neighborhoods.   Margie expressed special concern why Mr. Roberts included “employees”.  A lengthy discussion ensued by those present pointing out a variety of concerns with Mr. Robert’s concerns.  Michael Henry drafted a letter in response to the Executive Committee’s prior feedback to him for George’s signature. Everyone agreed it was important in the next couple of days to send the drafted reply requesting a meeting to bridge our differences and seek mutual understanding.  Jane Lorimer prepare the letter on letterhead for George to transmit. (Completed)

Old Business

A BOD Insurance policy for the next five years has been secured at current premium cost.  It is not possible to cover individual policies for neighborhood organizations putting on special events. The policy is with HUB International Insurance Services.

 Committee Budget Requests

Education Committee – Amy Duclos requested up to $2500 for a financial consultant to generate figures from analysis of the Denver Public School’s budget, stating that the current public reporting of line items is so general one cannot tell in detail how tax payers’ funds are being spent. Amy will develop language for a working agreement stating the action to be taken, justification for same, the outcomes expected, and monthly reports if the process takes more than a month.  It was decided this project should be handled as a special project outside of the Education Committee’s budget request. Jane Potts moved for acceptance. Steve Nissen seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.

Budget Committee

  • Greg Sorensen proposed the 2020 budget set aside $450 for each forum for videotaping. $2500 proposed cap amount. George will get in touch with Phil Hainline to nail down the cost based on multiple jobs we’d do.
  • Additionally, each Committee’s budget was proposed at $1,000 to cover other costs of forums that might be incurred aside from videotaping.
  • Special Project requests will be considered – See INC Standing Rules for policies and required request formats.
  • The expense for media outreach to neighborhoods is estimated at between $5,000-$10,000.


Dinner Committee-Jane Potts

Jane has confirmed the dinner with the Double Tree. She listed the numerous confirmed sponsors for a current total of $25,750.  Eventbrite will handle the ticketing.  Non-member guests may attend for $25 each.

January’s Board Meeting will be January 13, 2020, 6:30 p.m. and will focus on committee budgets.   Committees need to be prepared to present their budgets for 2020 along with action plans.  All committee budgets must be developed in alignment with the committee’s mission.

George Mayl adjourned the meeting at 8:03 PM

Meeting notes submitted by Doña Dodson, INC Administrative Staff.



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January 19, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm