As previewed at our previous INC Transportation Committee meeting, this is an update to the Strategic Transportation Plan that will prioritize and coordinate the projects and actions called for in all of our Denver Moves and Denveright family of plans (and more) for funding over the next 30 years.
Tuesday July 20th, 6pm — Near Southeast Area Plan Virtual Community Kickoff
This is the NPI neighborhood plan covering Washington Virginia Vale, Virginia Village, Indian Creek, Goldsmith and the area of University Hills north of Yale Avenue.
Wednesday, August 11th, 5:30pm — Denver Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) Bi-Monthly Meeting
The Denver Community Active Living Coalition is a diverse group of community members who care about health and safety through physical activity. We believe that all Denver residents, regardless of age or ability, should have equitable access to safe and vibrant places to walk, bike, roll, ride transit, and play. All are welcome at our bi-monthly meetings, where you can meet folks interested in active living, discuss health and transportation in Denver, and learn about upcoming opportunities and ways to stay involved.
See you on Thursday, September 9th for our next INC Transportation Committee meeting!
— Joel
2021 Meeting Schedule
Calendar ahead! Our Zoom meeting schedule for 2021 (meeting links to be sent with each meeting announcement) is:
Thursday, September 9th, 2021 — 6pm-8pm
Thursday, November 11th, 2021 — 6pm-8pm
Call for Topic Suggestions
Do you have a topic you’d like the INC Transportation Committee to consider or to find a speaker to discuss with us? Please send your ideas to!