9:30 am
Analiese Hock, Principal City Planner with CPD
Expanding Housing Affordability through Market Tools
Analiese will give full report and answer questions on long awaited and just released proposal to require affordable housing in new residential developments of 8 or more units.
Link to Proposed Policy Proposal
10:30 am or thereabouts
Abe Barge, Principal City Planner, CPD
Text Amendment Re Accessory Dwelling Units
CPD is planning to run a text amendment to fix errors regarding ADUs that have surfaced in the 2021 Bundle Text Amendments. CPD hopes to run the text amendment alongside Councilman Herndon and Councilwoman Sawyer’s proposed East Colfax ADU map amendment since the rezoning is to an E-SU district impacted by the error. This is planned to run quickly, with Planning Board on 11/2/21 and potential Council adoption on 12/20/21.
If time allows, Abe will also give ZAP an overview of the longer term ADUs in Denver project.
Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zoning & Planning
Time: Oct 23, 2021 09:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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