Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation’s mission is to advocate for Denver citizens by bringing together, informing and empowering Denver neighborhood organizations to actively engage in addressing city issues.

Denver INC (Inter Neighborhood Cooperation) is a voluntary, non-profit coalition of representatives from Denver’s registered neighborhood organizations (RNO’s), city agencies and others that gather to promote responsible city change and growth.

INC believes that individual neighborhoods are stronger when they work together and learn from one another.  Our structured coalition enables Denver’s neighborhoods to speak in a unified voice to City officials about such things as zoning, transportation, education, parks and recreation, and public safety.

INC was established in 1975 and operates as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization and is managed by volunteers.




About Us — 3 Comments

  1. Hello INC, I saw Tim Sandos on Fox news last nite in his new role and possibly some information and help for my situation. It’s complicated but I’ll be brief and PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE, some feedback. I am a life-long resident and home owner in Northeast Denver. With new city planning; park to platte, I 70, height re-zoning have put many like myself at risk for displacement. Since December 2015, I have been threatened with imminent domain, blight designation, and high rise developers.I find no resource to help or give me information. City planning does not have a human component and they’re not sure who does that! This space is not enuf to properly explain nor a number to call. Who can I speak to. Anyone?

    • Hi Deborah,
      I wrote you a few days back. Please let us know which neighborhood you are in so that we can direct you to some information.

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