A Message From The President, No July Meeting
Hello all-
Welcome to summer! We are in for a hot one this year and with so many folks being vaccinated along with some aspects of our lives returning to “pre-COVID” times, people are moving beyond the confines of their homes. For those of you that feel comfortable, you may have an opportunity to travel as I hear many people are and accommodations are difficult to find. With this in mind and due to a delay in what we had planned, the INC Board has decided that we will skip the July Delegate meeting and meet again in August with a full agenda. As some of you remember, we actually had a December meeting when we don’t normally hold one that month. We are continuing to have our meetings remotely as most venues that we normally used have not become available and some may not for a year or more.
I personally took a day and went to Mount Evans and we were some of the few Coloradans visiting Denver’s highest Mountain Park (Summit Lake at 12800 feet).

I hope that you take this July Saturday morning to see or chat with relatives and friends – even if it is just a phone call or a casual Zoom meetup. Otherwise, please take the July 10 Delegate meeting date to review any meetings you may have missed during the last year. You can find our Delegate meetings and Committee meetings on the INC website: https://www.denverinc.org or on our IINC YouTube Channel.
A Message From The President, No July Meeting — No Comments
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