Congress Park Neighbors Inc, nominates Myles Tangalin as a Neighborhood Star.

Myles has been on our Board of Directors for several years and has guided our RNO with his leadership skills by providing an open mind and a willingness to compromise. He has served as one of Congress Parks representatives to the Denver Botanic Gardens Neighborhood Advisory Committee.

Myles does not limit himself to projects involving only the Congress Park neighborhood.
He was selected to serve on the steering committee for the East Central Area plan. His presence on the committee allowed him to share information with our neighbors that we likely would not have had knowledge of.

He has been a member of the Metro Vision Citizens Advisory Committee which served in an advisory role to the DRCOG Board and the Metro Vision Planning Advisory Committee.

Currently Myles is Congress Parks Neighbors representative to the East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit project. He provides information about its progress, compiles drawings of the route and writes articles for our newsletter and electronic version. Without his activity the neighbors adjacent to E. Colfax would not have as broad access to information.

With his dedication to providing information to the Congress Park neighborhood, Myles is definitely a INC Neighborhood Star. Our entire Congress Park community is lucky to have him as a neighbor.

