Attendance: Maggie Price (Chair), George Mayl, Amber Clark, Steve Fisher, Katie Fisher, Sandy Robnett, Tyler Kiggins, Leslie Twarogowski, Brooke Jenkinson, Marilyn Bernier, Greg Sorenson, Brad Cameron, Myles Tangalin, Maria Flora, Wanda Osterman, Alan Dresser, Cindy Johnstone, Doňa Dodson, Ean Tafoya, Michael Henry.
Topic: Tyler Kiggens and Alan Dresser (University Park) discussed their newly formed Tree Advocacy Group (TAG). TAG has been working on proposed changes to the current tree ordinance to expand tree protections to the entire lot for residential properties, especially for Denver Champions or Notable Trees by Denver Forestry.
These handouts were discussed.
Sending a letter was discussed but PARC decided that letter needed to be revised to include INC PARC concerns. Wanda volunteered to help draft the letter and Amber will also give input.
Leslie suggested that info about this project be sent to PRAB/Fran and that TAG group meet with Parks and Rec. Another suggestion was that this letter be co-authored by ZAP too.
Topic:Leslie Twarogowski gave PRAB report. In addition to the renaming of Columbus Park to La Raza she told of a number of park surveys that are closing very quickly. Some RNOs do not have enough turn around time to publish them and for their residents to complete. Leslie has asked PRAB at their Dec meeting to have a standard times to have survey open and expect results. She would like RNOs email her with suggestions about appropriate time a survey should remain open and to also copy their City Council PRAB rep too. Time line is often part of the Park and Rec consultants and how long the contract is for. Leslie would like INC to help distribute or record PRAB meetings with the intent of RNOs to hear them.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 Mprice
INC PARC MEETING 11-18-2020 — No Comments
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