Neighborhood Stars have made a difference in their neighborhoods. They have made Denver a better place to live by working on a cause or project to improve the appearance or quality of life in their neighborhoods.

Kurtis Keele

Barnum Neighborhood

Kurtis Keele has been the South Lowell Community Garden leader for over five years in the Barnum neighborhood.

This community garden is one of seven currently registered with Denver Urban Gardens/DUG.  Since inception, he has more than tripled the garden size and has worked with DUG to create their first Orchard.

Kurtis treats the garden as a full-time job.  Anytime there is a need he will help.  He’s bought garden tools for others and uses his own roto-tiller to help other gardeners.

The garden has become a social hub, a friendly space for neighbors in the evenings during the growing season.  If there is space in the garden not used by other gardeners, Kurtis plants, grows and harvests for local food banks.

More importantly, Kurtis works with the courts to get people assigned to community service to work in the garden. As they help him to do projects to enhance the garden, they learn about growing food.  Kurtis is a sterling example in “growing” community participation a true Neighborhood Star.

