INC Executive Committee Meeting Nov 9, 2015
Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation
Executive Committee Meeting
Nov. 9, 2015 at Beauvallon, 925 Lincoln Street
Meeting called to order at 6:34 p.m.
V. P. Ehrenstein presiding
Board of Directors: Ray Ehrenstein, JJ Niemann, David Stauffer, John Riecke, Darcy Wilson also Parks and Recreation Co-Chair Maggie Price, Zoning and Planning Co-Chairs Margie Valdez and Gregory Kerwin, Charity Chair Joanne Kuemmerlin
Approval of October Minutes
John moved to approve and Darcy seconded the motion
Minutes approved by acclamation
Topic: Location for future meetings
January Delegate Meeting – Wings Over the Rockies Museum
January Executive Meeting – Northeast – (Darcy to recommend location)
February Delegate Meeting – Brookdale (?)
Motion by Ray to establish a Site Finding Committee. Darcy seconded the motion
Vote: 5 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions
Topic: Investment opportunities for INC funds – John Riecke
John presented interesting information about how INC might invest some of its funds
No action taken.
Topic: INC Membership renewals
Motion: John Riecke moved to have a 12-month membership instead of a calendar year. Motion seconded by Ray
There was extensive discussion about payment processes, membership tracking, benefits etc.
Vote: 4 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstentions
Motion carried
Announcements: Retirement of Katie Fisher as Co-Chair of PARC and appointment of Cindy Johnstone as her replacement
Resignation of Delegate at Large Don Tressler
AI: Larry- recommend a replacement (open for nominations)
Topic Discussion: INC Annual Dinner and Silent Auction – Jane Potts Chair
Jane provided extensive details about the on-going planning of the event as well as the date of Jan. 28, 2015 at the PPA, 2105 Decatur Street
AI: Comm. Cmte. to send info. in newsletter, create news blasts, email to RNO Presidents and delegates
Motion: John – allow a maximum INC dinner budget of 5K (in addition to covering what the donation made by Visit Denver will be). Motion seconded by Darcy
Vote: 5 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions
Topic: Update on contract from Joanne Kuemmerlin
AI: EC members – Please send your position description to Joanne
AI: Larry – meet with Joanne to discuss Standing Rules
Topic: New Business
Darcy thanked INC for posting donation request through Communications. Have 5000 turkeys
December 5 ZAP Meeting will include a food drive
The 2nd INC Academy was a big success. The video was great
AI: EC – Contact Tim O’Brien about attending the EC meeting.
Adjournment: 8:05 pm Key: AI = Action Item
INC Executive Committee Meeting Nov 9, 2015 — No Comments
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