INC Neighborhood Awards
The Categories
Lifetime Achievement Award
INC Neighborhood Person Of The Year
Community Safety Award
Outstanding INC Delegate Award
Neighborhood Stars Award
Presidents Award
Lifetime Achievement Award
This is a Special Award given to an individual who has spent a lifetime devoted to the betterment of Denver, its government and its citizens. 2015 marks the first year for this award.
Michael Henry – City and County of Denver
Michael was the first recipient of this prestigious award which was given on the 40th anniversary of INC’s founding. One of several key founders and a moving force in the creation of INC in 1975, we honor Michael as a person that continues to devote a substantial part of his life to the betterment of neighborhoods in Denver. Tom Morris, another co-founder of INC to paid tribute to Michael at the INC Awards dinner. He spoke of the need that existed when Michael, he, and others started the Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation as a method to enhance the communication and collaboration between city government and concerned Denver citizens. He spoke about the diversity of that initial team and how each played an important role in getting the city to talk to and coordinate with neighborhood organizations. For some tasks you need fighters and for others you need listeners and in the Denver INC founding team, we had both. Michael and the rest of the contributors made a great team and the longevity and effectiveness of our organization is a testament to that.
INC Neighborhood Person Of The Year
Awarded in honor of Virginia Oredson who was the secretary of INC for several years in the 1980s. She worked to protect her Montclair neighborhood from crime and problem bars and encouraged neighborhoods to work together through INC. This award is given to a person who:
- Has encouraged Denver neighborhoods or citizens to work together in a common effort to solve community problems.
- Has established a record of selfless community service and has encouraged and motivated others to volunteer their services to engage in community improvement.
Charlotte Winzenburg – West Washington Park Neighborhood Association
Charlotte has been involved with the West Washington Park (WWP) neighborhood for about 40 years and is the chair of its zoning committee. She is one of the reasons that WWP is such a vibrant and desirable neighborhood in which to live in. She has worked tirelessly to ensure that there is a desirable mix between business and residential needs when addressing neighborhood zoning issues. She has been an advocate of Good Neighbor Agreements which are vital to peace and goodwill in West Wash Park! Charlotte has been an active member of INC’s Zoning and Planning Committee for many years and has contributed her time selflessly and worked collaboratively with RNO members from throughout the city. For these reasons we are proud to present the Virginia Oredson Award to Char Winzenburg.
President’s Award for Outstanding Service
This award is given for Outstanding Service presented to a group, individual, or entity that provides major support to further the works of INC, which is not recognized by the other awards. It may or may not be given annually. In 2014 the award recipient was Friends of Denver Parks.
StopCityLoop – Nancy Francis
The President’s award this year went to a group of citizens who came together in 2014 to halt a major playground project, called City Loop, from being implemented in Denver’s City Park. This group of citizens believed it did not represent the community’s vision for a City Park play area, nor was it in line with the historic character of City Park. A key factor felt to be lacking was the community participation in early development that was a critical component to a successful and supported outcome for a major City park project. The success of their effort was to become an eventual win-win when what was the City Loop Project then became TheLoop which found a new home at in Paco Sanchez Park. This occurred when the Parks and Recreation Department and the West Colfax and Villa Park neighborhoods came together in a collaborative effort, looked at the play project and found The Loop a perfect fit for their community.
Community Policing Award
Awarded in honor of Bill Gross who was the chair of INC in the early 1990s, was president of the Whittier Neighborhood Association, and was an organizer of the Northeast Denver Congress. His passion was for building partnerships between neighborhood groups and the Denver Police Department to improve neighborhood safety. This award is given to a person who:
- Has a strong record of working with neighborhoods to better public safety in the community.
- Has made Denver a safer place in which to live.
Dave Matthews – West Washington Park Neighborhood Association
David has worked tirelessly to make Washington Park safer and more “user friendly” for all. The past couple of years have seen the park get over run with volleyball players and people who are more interested in drinking than enjoying a peaceful day in the park. The rowdy behavior spilled over into the surrounding neighborhoods causing problems for residents who live close to the park. Working with City Council, Dave was able to work together with the Parks Dept., the Police, Park Rangers and neighbors and Park users. By the end of this summer the success of his hard work was obvious. Washington Park is now a much more peaceful urban oasis that all can enjoy. David deserves much of the credit for his efforts.
Outstanding INC Delegate Award
Awarded in honor of Walt Kembel who was treasurer of INC in the late 1990s and was active in the Cherry Creek North neighborhood where he constantly worked to maintain the neighborhood character of smaller, modest homes in the North Cherry Creek area. This award is given to a person who:
-Is an INC delegate.
-Has contributed to INC during the past year over and above normal expectations to develop and promote the organization, or has moved INC forward or in new directions in creative or unexpected ways.
Beth Trudgeon – Virginia Village/Ellis Community Association
Beth is a stellar community volunteer who has been involved with the Leetsdale Cop Shop for a decade or more, has helped with the Safety Expo each year, and has volunteered with the Denver Library primary book sales each year. Along with a multitude of other city volunteer needs that come up such as serving meals to homeless, volunteering at animal shelters and for election support, she is an INC delegate and has been a regular meeting attendee for many years. She is a quiet, unassuming lovely lady who supports many needs in the Denver community. She deserves recognition for her tireless commitment to bettering INC and the City of Denver.
Neighborhood Stars
This award is given to a person who:
- Has made a difference in their neighborhood
- Has worked individually or with a group to make “Denver a Better Place to Live”
- Has worked individually or with a group over the past year on a cause or a project that has improved the appearance or quality of life in their neighborhood.
2015 Recipients
Alyson is the Communications Officer for La Alma Lincoln Park, a position that was created for her when the La Alma / Lincoln Park Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO) realized her talents. She is a unique individual with the ability to connect and empathize with a diverse variety of people though out her neighborhood. In her role as communications officer, Alyson has been able to communicate with an astounding number people in this neighborhood, and has become an important liaison for communicating the variety of interests and attitudes in the neighborhood. Alyson has spearheaded the RNOs outreach efforts through social media and with the Denver Police Department (DPD) with the results of a much more connected and safer neighborhood.
Alyson Crabtree – La Alma / Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association
Ronnie Crawford – Overland Park Neighborhood Association
Ronnie Crawford was the Overland Park vice president in 2014 and is now their social director with emphasis on parks and river amenities. Ronnie has been tireless in working in and around the South Platte river corridor. He and Casey Davenhill maintain the Overland Pond Park along with teaching fishing to youngsters both in the river and at the pond. Ronnie Crawford is actively engaged with the Greenway Foundation and is in planning regarding the enhancement and beautification of the South Platte River. With his energetic pursuit of a better riverfront along the South Platte Valley, Ronnie has helped to bring the beauty and wonder of natural amenities to all Denver residents.
Juan Pena is a Clayton neighbor that organizes a BBQ every Friday night at the City of Nairobi Park in northeast Denver. The event is called “Open Grill” and all neighbors are invited. Clayton is a diverse neighborhood and Juan does a tremendous amount of outreach to include all demographics represented in Clayton. He posts yard signs throughout the neighborhood, puts an ad in the neighborhood newsletter and even provides a grill, affectionately called the “grillinator”. Some Fridays Juan has even arranged bands to play in the park. On any given Friday when you drive by you will see 50 neighbors celebrating. Nights with bands can draw a crowd in the hundreds. Juan is a true community builder and Clayton is fortunate to have him as a leader and a NEIGHBORHOOD STAR!
Juan Pena – Clayton Civic Association
Traci Samaras – University Park Community Council
While Traci was serving as Secretary of the University Park Community Council, she reluctantly agreed to be interim President -“Just Temporarily!” Funny how this can work, but she was doing such a wonderful job, the RNO prevailed upon her to continue as President. University Park is in the midst of huge changes, as increasing residential density is added with its population, traffic, and open space impact. Maintaining the integrity of this historic neighborhood is a major challenge that Traci has met head on while still understanding the importance of the neighborhoods connection to the city at large. She works tirelessly on RNO business, attends meeting all the while keeping a great sense of humor. (Not easy as we all know) From a reluctant “temp” to a full-time, hands-on President, Traci well deserves to be called a NEIGHBORHOOD STAR!
Olivia Sanchez dedicates so much of her work and life to improving the quality of life of everyone in Harvey Park community that she deserves a NEIGHBORHOOD STAR! Her dedication, organization and leadership to the community is rooted in Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy (KCAA). KCAA asked her to take on the role of parent liaison. As parent liaison, she leads community outreach for KCAA, recruits new students, translates conversations between parents and teachers, and assists social work efforts. She organizes a First Friday art exhibit each month for KCAA and the community, and sponsors the Harvey Park RNO meetings at the neighborhood elementary/middle/high school. Originally asked to sponsor the meetings, has become actively involved in the RNO, has not missed a meeting, stays until the very end, and has become a vocal advocate for the neighborhood movement.
Olivia Sanchez – Harvey Park Improvement Association
Rosedale Lantern Festival Committee – Pamela Quigley, Rosedale Harvard Gulch Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood Star Award
Rosedale Lantern Festival Committee
Pamela Quigley, Rosedale Harvard Gulch Neighborhood Association
Representing the Rosedale Lantern Festival Committee at the nights event was one of its leaders, Pamela Quigley. The Rosedale Harvard Gulch Neighborhood Association’s board, neighbors, and neighborhood businesses created the Rosedale Lantern Festival as a new community-building charity event. On October 11, 2014 at the Harvard Gulch Golf Course, the course was set aglow by more than 150 lanterns hanging from the trees. To the delight of the more than 200 neighbors who attended, the event was a huge success. Despite putting this together in just ten short weeks, this group created an amazing stage the event and they raised $2805.74 for Urban Peak, benefiting homeless youth in our community. Kudos to our Denver RNO members for a bright idea and selfless act of beauty and kindness. They truly are NEIGHBORHOOD STARS!
Jim & Sandy Parker paired up with Doña Dodson November of 2013 to meet the pressing needs of 40 Teller school children who were in the free lunch program but who had no food between Friday lunch and Monday breakfast and during school holidays. They formed an organization called Backpack Friends in order to fill backpacks with food to feed the children and their families. Run entirely by volunteers and individual contributions, the Backpack Friends program now feeds almost 80 children and their families weekly. These amazing community activists are truly Neighborhood Stars.
Teller Elementary Backpack Friends Program Doña Dobson, Jim and Sandy Parker, South City Park Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood Star Award
Teller Elementary Backpack Friends Program
Dona Dobson, Jim and Sandy Parker accept and share with the South City Park Neighborhood Association.
Kathleen Wells – Friends and Neighbors of Cheesman Park
INC Platforms were established in 2014 to generate more public and civic understanding of the vision and positions of the INC action committees. Beginning with the Platform for Denver Urban Parks, Kathleen Wells was responsible for the idea of creating INC Platforms. She worked tirelessly to help author and edit this important document. Kathleen has serve selflessly as an INC representative to the City’s Parks Designation Committee and has participated regularly as a member of the INC Parks & Rec Committee (PARC). She has shown that she is always willing to step up and share her wisdom and work with others to commit our vision and positions to writing. In addition to her citywide efforts she continues to make significant contributions to her own Friends and Neighbors of Cheesman Park and CHUN. Kathleen’s tireless efforts certainly earn her a NEIGHBORHOOD STAR!
Near George Washington High School (GWHS), you can imagine, that there is a lot of trash that GWHS students leave behind. When that mess became overwhelming at the bus stop at the NE corner of Monaco/E. Exposition, the Winstons Downs HOA and owners of the Body Shop auto body shop started picking up the street trash consistently. Soon the RNO and the business partnered to have a can, furnished by RTD, at the bus stop that they maintain. The dedicated owners and staff of Body Shop exemplify the public/private relationship that INC strives to foster. For more than a year, their business has partnered, in a wonderful way, to help keep the neighborhood looking consistently clean.
The Body Shop – Denver Business
Halisi Vinson Southmoor Park South Neighborhood Association
Halisi Vinson has brought blessings to Southmoor Park Neighborhood Association. Coming to the association’s annual meeting. she volunteered to take minutes. Coming to strategy sessions for an annual picnic, she mentioned it would benefit us to recruit sponsors. She created not one, but two professional looking promotions to solicit sponsors. She then volunteered to help create a 20 page printed newsletter working many hours on each issue. Also volunteering in Hampden Heights RNO, she continues to attend Southmoor meetings. There are few like Halisi who have such a positive attitude and a giving spirit and for this reason she is definitely a NEIGHBORHOOD STAR!
Congratulations to all the Award recipients and Neighborhood Stars. Your dedication to volunteerism is
a great example to Denver’s neighborhoods and the strength of one to impact many. Thank you.
Thank you